Food Microbiology MCQ with answers



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#1. Which of the following is a Gram-negative bacterium commonly associated with foodborne illness?

#2. What is the optimum temperature range for most food spoilage bacteria?

#3. Which of the following food preservation methods relies on reducing water activity to inhibit microbial growth?

#4. What is the primary role of pasteurization in food processing?

#5. Which type of microorganism is responsible for the fermentation of yogurt?

#6. What is the main concern when handling Clostridium botulinum in food?

#7. What is the danger zone for food, where bacteria multiply rapidly?

#8. Which of the following is an example of a foodborne viral infection?

#9. What is the purpose of adding preservatives to food?

#10. Which microbial process is involved in the production of sauerkraut and kimchi?

#11. Which of the following microorganisms is commonly used in the production of cheese?

#12. What is the primary cause of foodborne intoxication due to the consumption of improperly canned foods?

#13. In food microbiology, what does HACCP stand for?

#14. What is the main function of nitrites in cured meats?

#15. Which of the following is a foodborne pathogen associated with undercooked poultry?

#16. What is the primary function of lactic acid bacteria in the fermentation of pickles?

#17. Which type of microorganism is responsible for the fermentation of bread dough?

#18. What is the primary concern in controlling the growth of molds in food products?

#19. Which of the following is a food preservation method that involves the use of high-pressure processing to inactivate microorganisms?

#20. What is the primary role of starter cultures in the fermentation of yogurt?


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