Food Microbiology Questions and Answers


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#1. What is the optimal temperature range for the growth of most pathogenic bacteria in food?

#2. Which of the following microorganisms is responsible for the fermentation of yogurt?

#3. What is the primary purpose of pasteurization in food processing?

#4. Which of the following is NOT a method of food preservation?

#5. What is the ideal pH range for the growth of most spoilage microorganisms in food?

#6. Which microorganism is responsible for the production of carbon dioxide gas in bread fermentation?

#7. What is the purpose of adding nitrites to cured meats?

#8. What is the purpose of the Most Probable Number (MPN) method in assessing microbial contamination in food?

#9. Which technique is commonly employed for the molecular identification of microbial species in food samples?

#10. What is the purpose of a Listeria enrichment broth in microbiological analysis?

#11. Which microbial indicator is commonly used to assess the hygiene and cleanliness of food processing equipment and surfaces?

#12. What is the primary purpose of the Viable But Non-Culturable (VBNC) state in microorganisms?

#13. What is the primary function of a selective medium in food microbiology?

#14. What is the purpose of the Total Viable Count (TVC) method in food microbiology?

#15. Which of the following is an example of a psychrotrophic microorganism commonly associated with spoilage in refrigerated foods?

#16. What is the purpose of a coagulase test in the identification of Staphylococcus species in food?

#17. Which method is commonly used to assess the heat resistance of bacterial spores in food processing?


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