Branches of Microbiology

Branches of Microbiologyve Flowchart 2

Branches of Microbiology is a fascinating branch of science that delves into the study of microscopic organisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, and archaea. These microorganisms play a crucial role in shaping the environment, human health, and industries such as medicine, biotechnology, and agriculture. This article explores microbiology in detail, covering its history, branches, classification, … Read more

Air Sampler in Microbiology 24

Air Sampler

Microbial air samplers are essential devices used in various settings to collect and analyze airborne microorganisms. These devices are crucial for monitoring air quality, identifying contamination sources, and evaluating the effectiveness of air cleaning and sterilization systems. Air Sampling is akin to taking a ‘snapshot’ of the air quality at a specific moment, providing a … Read more