MCQ of the Quality Control


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#1. What is the primary purpose of Quality Control (QC) in a pharmaceutical plant?

#2. What is the role of quality control testing in the pharmaceutical industry?

#3. Which of the following is an example of an analytical technique used in quality control testing of pharmaceutical products?

#4. What is the purpose of stability testing in quality control?

#5. Which of the following is an example of a physical test conducted in quality control?

#6. Which type of quality control testing is performed to ensure the absence of specified microorganisms in pharmaceutical products?

#7. What is the purpose of method validation in quality control?

#8. Which regulatory guideline provides guidance on the validation of analytical methods in the pharmaceutical industry?

#9. Which of the following is an example of a non-destructive test conducted in quality control?

#10. What is the purpose of a Certificate of Analysis (CoA) in quality control?

#11. What is the purpose of water testing in QC for pharmaceutical manufacturing?

#12. What is the purpose of extractable and leachable testing in QC?

#13. Which wet lab test is commonly used to assess the dissolution properties of solid dosage forms?

#14. Which wet lab test is used to determine the amount of residual solvents in a pharmaceutical product?

#15. What is the purpose of residual moisture testing in QC?

#16. What does HPLC stand for in Quality Control (QC) in the pharmaceutical industry?

#17. What is the primary purpose of HPLC analysis in QC?

#18. What is the primary purpose of GC analysis in QC?

#19. What does GC stand for in Quality Control (QC) in the pharmaceutical industry?

#20. What does TOC analyzer stand for in Quality Control (QC) in the pharmaceutical industry?

#21. What is the primary purpose of TOC analysis in QC?

#22. Which of the following is a key advantage of using HPLC in QC?

#23. Which type of sample is most suitable for HPLC analysis?


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