SOP for Operation of Compressed Air System EN-08

This SOP for Operation of Compressed Air System outlines the procedures for the safe and efficient operation of the compressed air system, including the start-up, operation, monitoring, and shutdown processes, to ensure the reliable supply of compressed air for various industrial applications.SOP for Operation of Compressed Air System

SOP for Operation of Compressed Air System

    • To lay down the procedure for Operation of Compressed Air System
  • SCOPE:
    • This procedure is applicable to Compressed air system installed on Terrace of production block .
    • Technician/ Operator of Engineering Department shall be responsible for proper execution of operation as per SOP for Operation of Compressed Air System.
    • Engineering – Head shall be responsible for reviewing the SOP and for ensuring proper execution as per SOP for Operation of Compressed Air System.
    • Head of department- Engineering shall be accountable for SOP.
    • The operation of a compressed air system refers to the controlled and efficient management of equipment and processes involved in generating, storing, and distributing compressed air for various industrial and commercial applications. This process involves the proper start-up, monitoring, adjustment, maintenance, and shutdown of components such as compressors, air receivers, filters, dryers, and distribution pipelines to ensure the reliable supply of compressed air at the required pressure levels and quality standards.
Compressed air system

Procedure for Operation of Compressed Air System

  • Pre Check before Starting Procedure.
    • Check the outlet valve of air receiver it should be opened.
    • Checks all system bypass valve are closed.
    • Check the air inlet receiver valve is opened.
    • Check the desiccant dryer inlet valve is opened.
    • Check the all filters inlet and outlet valves are opened, bypass valves and drain plugs are closed.
    • Check the coolant level in the coolant chamber; it should not be less than the ¾ of the view glass level.
    • Check “V” belts, bolts and nuts for the tightness if required tighten the same.
    • Drain condensate water from heat exchanger / radiator.
    • Drain condensed water from control air filter fitted before unloading solenoid valve on the starter cum control panel.
    • Check the differential pressure. The value of differential pressure is recorded as per format No.SOP/EN/XXXYYY.
    • The value of differential pressure is not more than0.7 kg/ the value of differential pressure more than the limit then change the filters and record in format No. SOP/EN/XXXYYY
    • The frequency of changing the filters is once in a year and record in Format No.SOP/EN/XXXYYY
    • Calculate the Dew Point of compressed air by using Dew Point Apparatus as referred in SOP/EN/XXXYYY. Record the dew point for each compressor as per Format No. SOP/EN/XXXYYY. The recording should be done alternative day for each compressor.
    • Check that the electrical supply is ON.
Preventive Maintenance of Compressed Air System
  • Starting Procedure.
    • Start the Air Compressor from the panel by pressing the push button. The following screen will appear
    • Press the F1 to enter the setting of parameter, the following screen will appear.
    • Press F2 to modify the set parameters.
    • Press F3 to reset the parameters.
    • The radiator motor will start automatically, and air gets cooled by radiator fan.
    • Switch on the air desiccant air dryer and put the valve in on position for which column/ tower is in working condition.
    • Another tower of desiccant air dryer is in regeneration mode. Both the column / towers shall use in alternate mode of operation.
    • Condensate will drain automatically by the solenoid valve provided; if it fails then drain the moisture / condensate provided by manual valve.
    • Start the compressor by following the instructions displayed on the MMI of the PLC unit fitted on the starter cum control panel.
    • Check the unusual noises.
  • Normal routine stopping procedure in the Operation of Compressed Air System
    • Switch off the air compressor from the panel by pushing the stop push button.
    • The compressor will unload automatically and stop; while unloading the compressor the following screen will appear on HMI.
    • The radiator motor will stop automatically.
    • Open the manual drain valve and drain the condensate.
    • Stop the air dryer from its panel.
    • Record the operation activity as per Format No. SOP/EN/XXXYYY. The recording should be done after every two hours; for following operation parameters.
    • Air Compressor Start Time.
    • Air Compressor Stop Time.  
    • Air Compressor Start By.
    • Air Compressor Stop By.
    • Air Delivery Pressure.
    • Oil Pressure.
    • Nil.
    • Nil. 
    • SOP shall be distributed to following departments Quality Assurance, Engineering as per user request.
    • Log Book for Air Compressor System                                               :    SOP/EN/XXXYYY

Log Book for Air Compressor System in SOP of Operation of Compressed Air System

DateTimeTotal Running hours per dayTotal Cumulative hoursAir Delivery Pressure      (Kg / (g))Oil pressure (Kg/ Dryer Pressure Before Filter                  (Kg / (g))                  (A)Air Dryer Pressure After Filter               (Kg / (g))                      (B)Differential Pressure            ΔP = (A-B)    ΔP NMT 0.7 (Kg/ SignRemarks
        Verified by (Sign & Date)……………….                                    
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