SOP for Operation of Chiller EN-10

SOP for Operation of Chiller is to establish a standardized procedure for the safe and efficient operation of a chiller, ensuring proper cooling and temperature control while maintaining equipment integrity and personnel safety.SOP for Operation of Chiller

SOP for Operation of Chiller

    • To lay down the procedure for operation of chiller installed in technical area.
  • SCOPE:
    • This SOP is applicable to operation of chillers installed in technical Area .
    • Technician/ Operator of Engineering Department shall be responsible for proper execution of operation as per SOP.
    • Engineering – Head shall be responsible for reviewing the SOP and for ensuring proper execution as per SOP for operation of chiller.
    • Head – Engineering shall be accountable for proper implementation of the SOP for operation of chiller.
    • Nil
  • PROCEDURE for operation of chiller
    • Precautions to start up of Chiller:
      • Check and ensure that the main electrical switch for chiller is “ON “position.
      • Check and ensure that the HMI screen is switched ON and is displaying no error on screen.
      • Confirm the presence of oil in oil chamber.
      • Ensure that the oil sump heaters have been operating for a minimum 24 hrs before starting. Failure to do so may result in equipment damage.
      • Check and ensure that Evaporator Valves and Condenser water line Valves are open.
      • Start the condenser pump, cooling tower fan and chilled water pumps by pressing the ON push button from the panel.
      • Confirm the evaporator water flow.
      • Confirm the condenser water flow, temperature and pressure
SOP for Preventive Maintenance of Chiller
  • Start up of Chiller: in operation of chiller
    • Check the electrical supply is ON.
    • Check the cooling water supply.
    • Check the condenser pump’s suction and discharge valve, it should be open.
    • Start the condenser pump and check the water pressure on the condenser line.
    • Start the cooling tower fan.
    • Check the suction and discharge valves of the primary and secondary chilled water pumps.
    • Start the primary chilled water pump.
    • Start the secondary chilled water pump.
    • Check the water pressure of chilled water inlet line (It should be between 1.5 kg / cm2 to 2.5 Kg/cm2).
    • Check the chilled water pressure on the pressure gauge at the chilled water inlet of the chiller and ensure that it is between 1.5 to 2.5 Kg/cm2
    • Check the chilled water pressure on the pressure gauge at the chilled water outlet of the chiller and ensure that it is between 1.0 to 2.0 Kg/cm2.         
    • Check the cooling water pressure on the pressure gauge at the cooling water inlet to the chiller and ensure that it is between 1.5 to 2.5 Kg/cm2.         
    • Check the cooling water pressure on the pressure gauge at the cooling water outlet of the chiller and ensure that it is between 1.0 to 2.0 Kg/cm2.
    • Push the On/Off switch button till the on indication comes on the screen.
    • After 3 minutes the machine will start automatically.
    • Check for the evaporator refrigerant and condenser refrigerant pressure.
    • Check the expansion sight glasses after sufficient time has elapsed to stabilize the chiller. Bubbles in the refrigerant indicate either low refrigerant or excessive pressure drop in the liquid line or a stuck open expansion valve.
    • Record the activity for HVAC Chiller as per Format No. SOP/EN/XXXYYY. The recording should be done after every two hours; for following operation parameters
    • Record the activity for Lyophilizer Chiller as per Format No. SOP/EN/XXXYYY. The recording should be done after every two hours; for following operating parameters
    • Oil Pressure (Kg/
    • Primary Pump Pressure (Kg/ (g)).
    • Secondary Pump Pressure (Kg/ (g)).
    • Cooling Tower Inlet Temperature (deg C)
    • Cooling Tower Outlet Temperature (deg C)
    • Chilled Water Inlet Temperature (deg C)
    • Chilled Water Outlet Temperature (deg C)
    • Evaporator Refrigerant Pressure( Kpa (g))
    • Chilled Water Set Point (deg C).
    • Total Load on Chiller
    • Energy Consumed (Kwh)
    • Operator Signature
    • Remarks
  • Shut Down Procedure of Chiller: in operation of chiller
    • Push the Off switch button from the HMI screen.
    • After 1 minute the machine will switched off automatically.
    • After 5 minutes switch off the condenser pump.
    • Stop the chilled Water pumps (Primary and secondary).
    • HMI          :     Human Machine Interface
    • HVAC      :     Heating and Ventilation Air Conditioning
    • SOP           :   Standard Operating Procedure
    • ºC              :   Degree Celsius
    • Kg/cm²      :  Kilo gram per centimeter square
    • Kpag         :  Kilo Pascal gauge
    • KWH        :  Kilo watt hour
    • Operational & Maintenance Manual of Chiller.  
    • SOP shall be distributed to following departments Quality Assurance, Engineering as per user request.
    • Chiller Log Book – HVAC                                                               :    SOP-EN-XXXYYY
    • Chiller Log Book – Lyophilizer                                                          : SOP-EN-XXXYYY

Date: -_________________         Equipment name:………………                         Equipment ID:_………………………….

TimeOil PressurePrimary  pump pressure  Secondary pump discharge pressureCT Water  inlet tempCT Water outlet  tempChilled Water inlet tempChilled Water  outlet tempEvaporator  Ref. pressureCondenser Ref. PressureChilled water set pointTotal Load  on ChillerEnergy ConsumedOperator SignRemarks
KpagKg/  cm2Kg/ cm2Kg/cm2Kg/ cm2Kg/ cm2Kg/ cm2° C° C° C° CKpagKpag° CL1L2L3Kwh
Verified by (Sign/Date)…………………..

Date: -_________________          Equipment name: ………………..                      Equipment ID:……………………

TimeOil PressurePrimary  pump        no. 1  pressurePrimary  pump        no. 2  pressureCT Water  inlet tempCT Water outlet  tempChilled Water  inlet tempChilled Water  outlet tempEvaporator Refr. pressureCondenser Ref. PressureChilled water set pointTotal Load on ChillerEnergy ConsumedOperator  SignRemarks
KpagKg/cm2Kg/cm2° C° C° C° CKpagKpag° CL1Kwh
Aaometer 02

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