TITLE: PLANT PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 1.0 OBJECTIVE: To lay down the Procedure for Plant Preventive Maintenance. 2.0 SCOPE: This SOP is applicable for Preventive Maintenance of Machines / Equipments / Air Handling Units. at ( company name ) 3.0 RESPONSIBILITY: 3.1 Officer / Executive Engineering: 3.1.1 To follow SOP. 3.1.2 Preparation of Yearly, Schedule of Plant Preventive Maintenance. 3.1.3 To ensure the execution of Scheduled Plant Preventive Maintenance. 4.0 ACCOUNTABILITY: 4.1 Head Engineering,: Implementation of SOP. 4.2 Head Production: Implementation of SOP. 5.0 ABBREVIATIONS: AHU Air Handling Unit EN Engineering Ltd. Limited No. Number QA Quality Assurance SOP Standard Operating Procedure 6.0 PROCEDURE: - Officer/Executive Engineering shall prepare a plant preventive maintenance schedule of Machines/Equipment/Air Handling Units for the calendar year as per Annexure – I. “Yearly Schedule of Plant Preventive Maintenance”.
- After approval of Head QA, Officer/Executive QA shall issue the controlled copy to the Engineering department.
- Officer/ Executive Engineering shall prepare monthly preventive maintenance on the basis of a yearly preventive maintenance schedule as per Annexure-II. “Monthly Plant Preventive Maintenance & proposed schedule”.
- Officer/Executive Production shall provide a purposed schedule of preventive maintenance on the basis of a yearly preventive maintenance schedule as per Annexure-II. “Monthly Plant Preventive Maintenance, proposed schedule & Execution Record”.
- After getting consent from the respective department, Officer/Executive Engineering shall plan the preventive maintenance of machines/equipment / AHUs.
- Officer/Executive Engineering shall do the preventive maintenance of machines/equipment & AHUs as per the respective checklist and record the observation.
- Any discrepancy observed during preventive maintenance, shall be communicated to Head Production & Head Engineering and records shall be maintained.
- After completion of preventive maintenance, Officer/Executive Engineering shall operate the machine, and equipment and handover to the user department.
- Respective Area’s/Section In-charge shall check & verify the performance of equipment/machine, if found satisfactory, duly signed in Annexure-II.
- The user department shall clean the equipment/ machine/ AHU after preventive maintenance or breakdown.
- Affix the duly filled & signed preventive maintenance card on the machine/ equipment / AHU.
- The first Schedule Planner of the year shall have a Revision No. 00 and whenever there will be any changes in the planner due to the addition of machines/equipment then the current version of the planner shall be updated by issuing an addendum from time to time.
- This planner shall be revised to the next version (Revision No.) every year while incorporating all the addendums & any new machine/equipment name after the last addendum to the version.
- Record of preventive maintenance shall be stored for up to five years.
FREQUENCY: - For Monthly preventive maintenance ± 3 days from the due date of Preventive Maintenance.
- For Quarter preventive maintenance ± 7 days from the due date of Preventive Maintenance.
- For Half Yearly preventive maintenance ± 15 days from the due date of Preventive Maintenance.
- For Yearly preventive maintenance ± 30 days from the due date of Preventive Maintenance.
7.0 ANNEXURES: ANNEXURE No. | TITLE OF ANNEXURE | FORMAT No. | Annexure-I | Yearly Schedule of Preventive Maintenance | ——————– | Annexure-II | Monthly Preventive Maintenance, Proposed Schedule & Execution Record | ——————- |
8.0 DISTRIBUTION: · Controlled Copy No. 01 QA Department · Controlled Copy No. 02 Engineering Department · Master Copy Quality Assurance Department 9.0 REFERENCE: Manufacture User Manuals, TPM. 10.0 REVISION HISTORY: CHANGE HISTORY LOG Revision No. | Change Control No. | Details of Changes | Reason for Change | Effective Date | Updated By | 00 | CC/ | Preparation of New SOP | Introduction of new site | | |