SOP for Replacement of UV Lamp EN-17

The objective of this Standard Operating Procedure for Replacement of UV Lamp is to outline the steps and guidelines for the safe and proper replacement of a UV lamp in equipment that utilizes ultraviolet (UV) light for various applications, such as water disinfection, sterilization, and curing.Replacement of UV Lamp

SOP for Replacement of UV Lamp

    • To lay down the Procedure for replacement of UV lamp installed in PW loop.
  • SCOPE:
    • This SOP is applicable to procedure for replacement of UV lamp installed in PW loop installed in water system area .
    • Technician/ Operator of Engineering Department shall be responsible for proper execution of operation as per SOP.
    • Engineering – Head shall be responsible for reviewing the SOP and for ensuring proper execution as per SOP.
    • Engineering – Head shall be accountable for proper implementation of the SOP.
    • Nil
    • The replacement of UV lamp as follows:
    • Once in a year.
    • Reduced in UV intensity.
    • As per vendor’s recommendation, whichever will occurred first.
    • Stop the PW circulation pump; close the inlet and outlet valves of UV sterilizer.
    • Drain the water from drain plug.
    • Switch off the UV lamp and remove the electrical connections of UV lamp
    • Open the end plugs of UV remove lamp and quartz tube, clean and dry the tubes and refitted in to the sterilizer.
    • Replace old UV lamp with new lamp and insert in to the quartz tubes.
    • Make the electrical connections, tight the end plug.
    • Open the inlet and outlet valves, check for the leakages; if required tight the end connections.
    • Switch on the power supply of UV lamps.
    • Maintain the replacement of UV Lamp record in “UV Lamp Replacement Record” Format No. SOP/EN/XXXYYY.
    • CRF No.   :     Change Request Form number
    • QA            :     Quality Assurance
    • UV            :     Ultra Violet
    • Nil
    • SOP shall be distributed to following departments Quality Assurance, Engineering as per user request.
    • UV Lamp Replacement Record                                  :                SOP/EN/XXXYYY
water System

Replacement of UV Lamp Record

UV Light ID   Location  
Sr. No. Replaced On Date Next Date Due On Make Replaced By (Sign/Date) Verified by (Sign/Date) Remark
Annual Maintenance Contract AMC

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