DM Plant Regeneration Process EN-02

    • To lay down the procedure for the Regeneration of a Mixed Bed in a DM plant.
  •     SCOPE:
    • This SOP is applicable for the regeneration of a mixed bed in a DM plant.
    • Officer / Executive Engineering: To follow SOP.


    • Head Engineering: Implementation of SOP.

            SOP                 Standard Operating Procedure

            RO                   Reverse Osmosis

            HDPE              High Density Poly Ethylene

            QC                   Quality Control

            UV                  Ultra Violet

    • Ensure that the mixed bed and pipelines are clean.
    • Open the RO water storage tank outlet valve.
    • Open the required valve and start the pump.
    • Do the backwash for 15 minutes.
  • Regeneration of mixed bed with sodium hydroxide. (NAOH)
    • Take 40 ltrs. RO water from the RO tank in an HDPE container and add 4 kg of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and Mix with the help of a rod.
    • Insert the ejector tube in HDPE container containing sodium hydroxide solution.
    • Open the required valve & start the Feed water pump at the pressure of 1 to 2 kg/cm2.
    • After starting the pump, pass out all NAOH solution through a mixed bed. Its take approx 15 to 20 minutes. After completion of the process, allow slow rinsing with RO water for about 05 to 10 minutes.
    • After completion of slow rinsing, switch off the motor and close the valve no. and open the required valve.
    • Now start the pump and allow the fast rinsing with RO water for 05 to 10 minutes.
  • Regeneration of mixed bed with Hydrochloric acid.
    • Take 36 ltrs. RO water from RO tank in HDPE container & add 12 ltrs. hydrochloric acid with stirring.
    • Insert the Ejector tube in HDPE container containing hydrochloric acid.
    • Open the required valves & close other valves.
    • Open the RO water valve & switch on the pump.
    • After start the pump allow to pass out all hydrochloric acid solution through mixed bed. Its take   approx 15 to 20 minutes. After completion of process,  & allow rinsing with RO water about 05 to 10 minutes.
    • After completion of slow rinsing, switch off the motor and close the valve no. 3, 5 and open the valve no. 4.
      • Now start the pump and allow the fast rinsing with RO water for 05 to 10 minutes.
      • Stop the in feed motor and closed all valve.
      • Mixing of Resin with air.
    • Open the 07 and 12 No.valve.
    • Pass the compressed air at low pressure (0.7 kg/cm2) through mixed bed for 10 to 15 minutes.
    • Open the required valve and Switch ON the feed water pump and run the water through the mixed bed and check the conductivity.
    • The conductivity shall be less than 1.3 µS/cm.
    • Now open the valve no. 06 and close the valve no. 13 & 14
    • Start UV light hour meter counter and conductivity meter.
  • Check the conductivity of water it should be NMT 1.3 µS/cm. if the conductivity of water is more than the specified limit then repeat the points 6.4, 6.5 & 6.6.
  • Inform to QC department to collect the sample.
  • Collect the purified water in SS tank after approval from QC.
  • Maintain the regeneration record in Annexure – I “Mixed Bed Regeneration Record”.
  • Maintain the Mixed Bed Regeneration Output Record in Annexure – II “Mixed Bed Output Record”.


Annexure-IMixed Bed Regeneration RecordEN-0XX/FYY-00
Annexure-IIMixed Bed Output RecordEN-0XX/FYY-00
    • Controlled Copy No. 1           Head Engineering
    • Master Copy                           Quality Assurance Department

        Not applicable

Revision No.Change Control No.Details of ChangesReason for ChangeEffective DateUpdated By
00CC/XX/XXXPreparation of New SOP   


DateQty. of NaOH for Regeneration  Qty. of water  addedRegeneration detailQty. of HCL  for RegenerationQty. of water addedRegeneration detailDone byChecked by Sign & Date   
FromTo   FromTo 


DateStart timeStop timeDurationQty. generate (Ltrs.)Conductivity (NMT 1.3 µS/cmpH (5.5 to 7.0)U.V. Light ReadingOperated ByChecked by Sign & Date
At start timeAt stop time 

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